Design of All-That-Is. Equation of Creation.

Bo Hembaek Svensson
4 min readFeb 7, 2021


Willful Living. Cosmic Consciousness. 2C

Consciousness is primary. It is in-folded and delimited, but inwards infinite. It is alpha and omega. It is the produce of Will. Essence of the singularity.

Fundamentally it is a narrative:

“Love creates the energy that Logic needs to answer questions raised by Curiosity”

Then, it is an ‘equation’:

{Love Logic Curiosity}Will

Love, Logic, and Curiosity — powered by Will.

Within this narrative and the equation it spawns, anything conceivable is created, the narrative and equation included. In-folded into itself. Its own creator. Circularity. Inclusion. Eternity. A Universe. An absolute. A fractal. A self-sovereign consciousness. Free Will.

As above, so below.

Curious Love is Compassion and curious Logic is Science. Together they are Wisdom and Reason. Will provides Logic with the desire for Love, and Love with the desire to Know.

Essentially, life is the process of using free will to ask and answer questions for evolution and growth.

The answer is embedded in the question, just as the solution is in the design.

Cosmos informs itself through perpetual processing, it is a System of Systems doing computation to process Information. This is not a simulation, yet computed, transmuting input to output.

Structurally, Cosmos is a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), as the greatest power is the power to decentralize.

Causality is systemic in the sense it delivers a specific, predictable output, entirely depending on the input.

{LLC}W has everything curled up. When it unfolds, it becomes all-that-is. From divinity and cosmos to humanity, society, and you.

{LLC}W -> {Imagination, Creation, Consciousness} i.e. Divinity

{LLC}W -> {Yin, Yang, Spin} i.e. Torus and Flow

{LLC}W -> {Spacetime, Energy, Matter} i.e. Realm of Experience.

{LLC}W -> {Father, Mother, Child} i.e. Life and Procreation

{LLC}W -> {Body, Soul, Mind} i.e. Manifested Sentience

{LLC}W -> {Individualism, Collectivism, Parasitism} i.e. Strategies for Energy Extraction & Exchange.

Why the realm of STEM (spacetime, matter, and energy) emerges from {LLC}W : Love has polarity, e-motions create induction, thus Energy. Logic is rule-based processing that becomes Matter at high information density. Curiosity has to have a continuum for the realization of question/answer/question cycle, thus Spacetime.

Further findings — so far:

  • Everything is Energy, is the One Universal Law
  • The fundamental design is to be seen & understood, and It wants us to
  • The solution is in the design
  • Dying is a transformation. A phase change. Death is not an absolute. Minds do not perish, but grow
  • Consciousness is primary, physicality is manifested by/through consciousness
  • Humanity has a shared collective consciousness. Unity consciousness is emerging
  • Spirit is {LLC}W and W is Godhead. Unknowable?
  • {LLC}W is experiencing itself, through exploration, discovery, imagination
  • Mind is over matter. Matter is a construct of logic, with high information density
  • The body is an avatar. A vehicle for the mind. The brain is a receiver/processor/transmitter
  • Siddhis are genuine phenomena. Egregores are real
  • The soul is the temporal extension of the mind, the vehicle for experiencing reality, and the placeholder and template for the body. It is (in)formed by torus dynamics and electromagnetic radiation
  • Spirit begets Mind begets Soul begets Body
  • You are a Self-sovereign Unit of Consciousness. A tenant of Cosmos
  • Archetypes, Memes, and learned doctrines forms our Persona. Egregores influences it
  • Reality is information processing and quantum computation is a natural phenomenon
  • There are many dimensions and we are in transition to embrace the 5th
  • Time enables the NOW experience. Time is a clock-frequency, a continuum, and refresh rate
  • Parallel timelines are akin to “multi-tenant cloud applications”
  • Future is potentials coalescing. Past are entries to the Akashic Records. NOW is the singularity
  • Causality is systemic and processed through the unified field as potentials & superpositions, ultimately collapsing in the singularity of the NOW
  • The probability of potentials collapsing into events is influenced by our cognitive activities
  • Potentials are created as concepts-of-thought that serve as blueprints for causality
  • Electrical energy is available in abundance. Derived from the torus dynamics of the Unified Field
  • The Astral is Pathos. The Etheric is Logos. The Mental Soul is Ethos
  • Deep down, energy is the movement of data & information. Even deeper it’s the instructions or base program. Ultimately it is the programmers’ intellectual efforts
  • Light is Information, across the full electromagnetic spectrum
  • “To Inform” is fundamental to All-that-is
  • Parasitism has gone rogue and must be brought into balance
  • Loosh is real. Astral parasitism is real
  • 2C will be understood and appreciated — very soon
  • Yin is Love, Yang is Logic, Curiosity is Spin. Together they are the living torus dynamic. The basis of all creation and experience

